Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Joseph Smith murdered by Masons after launching anti-slavery, pro-Indian Presidential platform!

Image result for jon bystrom who killed joseph smith

...and after threatening to prosecute polygamists!

From the description box:

Jon Bystrom, 25 yr. investigative reporter reveals who really shot and killed Joseph and Hyrum Smith. Maybe Brigham Young was not the prophet the Mormon church touts him to be. His Freemasonic and banking connections along with his grandiose ego and need to be in control drove Brigham's motives for orchestrating the murder of the Smith brothers. A forensic and ballistic investigation shows the overwhelming likelihood that Willard Richards and John Taylor were the henchmen, under Brigham's orders that betrayed the Smiths. Willard Richards, known church historian, then underwent the task of rewriting church history. It would appear as though Joseph Smith was not a polygamist after all. Brigham Young is the "prophet/profit" that practiced polygamy out in the open and reveal it as eternal doctrine. If this is so, then the Mormon church has a lot of explaining to do and setting the record straight. We'll also be discussing Dallin H. Oaks and background. Stay tuned to find out who this character is and how he came to be 2nd in command of the Mormon church without ever serving an LDS mission. Maybe his ties to E.H. Herriman has a little something to do with it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've never understood all the claims, that its okay to have more than one wife in Mormonism. The book of Mormon is pretty clear that having more than one wife is an abomination, and an act whoredom that is against the commandments. Jacob Chapter 2:27
"Wherefore my brethren, hear me, and hearken to the word of the Lord: For there shall not any man among you have save it be one wife; and concubines he shall have none;"

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