Friday, November 03, 2017

NEW BOOK: The Exoneration of Emma, Joseph, and Hyrum (2017)

The Exoneration of Emma, Joseph & Hyrum: Part One by [Karren, Ronald]

From the book:

This treatise grew out of Mr. Karren’s life-long need to find the answers that could explain his personal shortcomings or dysfunctions within his Mormon environment. As a 7th-generation Mormon who left the church in 2009, former 30-year Utah resident and church leader, Ronald Karren, started by researching his church (both its history and doctrine). In studying his history, it was evident that the dysfunction reached back at least five generations. By 1995, he saw the dysfunction not only in his ancestry, but also contemporarily in his extended family, in-laws, friends, neighbors, and fellow church members.

Today, Utah experiences abnormally high rankings in child physical and sexual abuse, teen suicides, prescription drug abuse, and pornography addiction, which its governor recently declared an epidemic. Seeing a stark dichotomy to the universal religious tenet “by their fruits shall ye know them”, Karren’s intrigue pushed him to obtain those answers. He found them.

As an obedient Mormon, he limited his research to pro-Mormon sources. When he saw those sources were not reliable, he dove into the journals of the LDS founding fathers: Joseph Smith, Brigham Young, Heber C. Kimball, Willard Richards, William Clayton, John Taylor, etc. Therein, he found information that literally forced the first two generations in Utah to engage in compartmentalization just to survive, though to dysfunctional levels.

Joseph’s only handwritten account of the First Vision includes only one personage, not two—identical to Apostle Paul’s vision. Joseph’s dialogue differs greatly from the traditional LDS version. Additionally, Joseph clearly had neither interest in nor reverence for temples or temple worship. In over 50 journal entries, the Kirtland Chapel was never once referred to as a “temple” by Joseph. The Nauvoo “temple” was not an LDS temple until 2002. The David O. McKay Papers show the LDS purchase of the Nauvoo Masonic Temple in 1954. From that “temple” cornerstone they removed Kimball and Clayton’s Masonic Minute Books, which they had created, doctored, and partially destroyed before depositing them into that cornerstone at the “temple” dedication in 1843.

To cover up their elaborate plan of hijacking Joseph’s Church, and to ensure a “valid” succession from Joseph to Brigham, Joseph, Hyrum, and Samuel not only had to be removed from the picture, but also framed with spiritual wifery and temple worship—a narrative that Emma, alone, vehemently fought to her dying day. 

This book is only .99 cents online:


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello Elizabeth,

I loved this book! I think that it is filled with some very unique truths. However it is no longer available on Amazon. The hard copy version disappeared shortly followed shortly by the Kindle version. Have you heard what happened to it? Does anyone know?


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